
Showing posts from September, 2017

Monster One Unlocked and on the Loose.

So presented Monster one today didn't find out how to pose him until AFTER class. He was locked apparently in MudBox if any layer (texture, sculpt, etc) is locked you CANNOT pose. Unlocked the culprit texture layer and voila, he could be posed.

Monster One Modeling done

Modeling done (base), added a tongue, saliva droplet, and teeth for objects, now to texture and channels and then finish up Monster Two.

Monster Two

Finishing the base on the second monster.

Monster Number One

This Project is making two monsters from a variety of base meshes. Monster number one, the top skin fold WAS going to be where I was going to put the eye sockes (three so SUPER depth perception), but on reflection he's creepier without eyes, where's he looking? Don't know. Thinking more about giving him a long tongue.

Mudbox Project Complete

Wasn't able to get the labels or writing to work, converted images to the .tga format which was shown in the tutorial but my MudBox wouldn't convert it to a stencil. Painted the card with a stone texture in MudBox, posed the figure, even added some teeth as a separate object. Added bump map, texture map, incandescence map to him. Became more of a stone monster than a dough monster, but then with the quality of Little Caesar's who's to say he isn't a pizza dough monster.

Pizza Monster has become Pizza DOUGH Monster.

All your toppings belong to us.

Pizza Man hate Pudding Man and no likes Particle Man.

My Pizza Monster had taken a more dramatic turn, right at the vanilla pudding bowl at the salad bar in the middle of the all you eat pizza buffet.

Pizza Monster, the Legend Begins.

Initial base for sculpting the upcoming Pizza Monster, fourth cousin, twelve times removed of the Cookie Monster. Pizza is a sometimes food but is in fact a vegetable by declaration of the United States Congress.

MudBox is Great for Maps.

Second tutorial, got an idea during the sculpting on plane and spent 15 minute making a map. This would be a great program for sculpting terrain for games.
Modelling and texturing done. Diffuse, texture stamping, incandescence, gloss. Not great, but done even with multiple work station issues.

Blob's Blog of Blobbulous Zigital Brush Work Day Two.

DAY TWO: This was supposed to be a day off, but NOOO! My captors tortured me, poked and prodded, now I have all these bumps and pin holes. These holes have NOT made me more aerodynamic.